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Winter Meeting

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Did you know that...

... Caregivers and parents just like you are advocating for your child every day?

... You can join these groups and learn about how you can elevate your voice at your school?


You are not in this alone.


Join us and meet parents and caregivers just like you who share your dreams and passions for accountable public education.


Monday, January 30, 2023 @ 6pm




Octavia E. Butler Magnet School Library

1505 N Marengo Ave

Pasadena, CA 91103

Event Schedule:


6:00pm Kickoff (School Library)
6:15pm Tour of the Parent / Caregiver Advocacy Groups (Adjoining classrooms)
7:15pm Business of the Association (Library)*

  • Approval of Council expense disbursements

  • Review Treasurer Reports for October-December 2022

  • Elect Council Officer Nominating Committee Members

7:30pm Networking and Refreshments (Library)

Refreshments will be served

* If you are a member of any PTA PUSD you can vote on any association agenda matter

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