Fall Association Meeting
Understanding how the public education system is funded, structured and why challenges exist make us much better advocates for our children.
Fall is in the air and along with it, new opportunities to advocate for the needs of our children. PTA Council of PUSD is hosting its Fall Association Meeting at Eliot Arts Magnet and you're invited for an informative and interactive presentation on how to engage constructively with your child's education and how to help craft the future of education in this community. This special program is presented in partnership with PTA Council of PUSD and First District PTA. Refreshments will be served.
Event Schedule:
6pm Business of the Association (open to all PTA members)​
Adoption of Council's 2021-2022 Annual Report and Audit
Adoption of Council 2022-2023 Budget
Approval of Council expense disbursements
Approval of Council's support of Measure H: Pasadena Fair and Equitable Housing Charter Amendment
7pm Interactive program, presented by PTA Council of PUSD and First District PTA:
Public Education 101 - How to Advocate for Your Child
(open to all members of the public)