Bring the best of you to your PTA.
Congratulations on being elected (or re-elected) to your PTA's executive board!
The PTA Council of PUSD Executive Committee is proud to support you this year as you lead your school's PTA on a year of opportunity, advocacy and enrichment for all children in your community.
If you’re a newly elected officer or a seasoned veteran, there's something for everyone, and we can't wait to meet you. Let's gather together, learn about our roles or learn about additional ways you can develop success within your PTA.
This year's Leadership Summit is in-person for the first time since 2019!
Octavia E. Butler Magnet School
1505 N Marengo Ave, Pasadena, CA 91103
Check-in & Coffee
Sign in, grab some breakfast pastries, coffee and get ready for a morning of team-building, learning and fellowship.
Council Keynote & August Executive Board Meeting
Meet all members of your Council Executive Committee and hear from Council President Mae-Fay Koenig-Seng as she outlines the PTA Council of PUSD vision, goals and actions for the year. In addition, attend our first Council Executive Board meeting of the year and vote on important items that ensure your Council runs smoothly.
Working as a Team
As leaders of our PUSD PTAs, we all have specific jobs and responsibilities. But as members of a PTA executive board, we also have to function as a team. In partnership with the Parent Education Network (PEN), learn ways to leverage shared strengths, unique skillsets so that your board is as functional as it can be in the year ahead.
As leaders of our PUSD PTAs, we all have specific jobs and responsibilities. But as members of a PTA executive board, we also have to function as a team. In partnership with the Parent Education Network (PEN), learn ways to leverage shared strengths, unique skillsets so that your board is as functional as it can be in the year ahead.
Instructional Block 1
Choose one of the following session options:
Session 1A: Presidential Fundamentals
This session will orient new unit Presidents to their roles and responsibilities.
Session 1B: Financial Fundamentals
If you are a new unit Treasurer, Auditor, Financial Secretary or a Fundraising Coordinator, this session will orient you to how you fit into your PTA unit's financial structure.
Session 1C: Process & Governance
As a unit Secretary, Parliamentarian, or Historian, you have specific roles and responsibilities in ensuring your unit keeps accurate records, operates fairly, and tracks volunteer work performed by its members.
Session 1D: Show Your Voice With PTA Reflections!
Learn about National PTA Reflections program and this year's process for submitting student works to be considered for special recognition. Also learn about grant money available from PTA to help your unit achieve your Arts Education program ambitions. Perfect for Arts and Reflections Coordinators.
Lunch & Networking
Grab a bite to eat and enjoy company among your fellow PUSD PTA leadership.
Instructional Block 2
Choose one of the following session options:
Session 2A: President & Financial Officers — Workflows for Efficient Accountability
For all unit Presidents, Treasurers, Financial Secretaries, Financial Reviewers and Fundraising Coordinators. Learn how to create transparent and efficient workflows to ensure that your unit stays compliant and accountable to its membership.
Session 2B: Membership Essentials
It's the height of PTA membership season. We'll talk about ways Membership VP/Coordinators can grow their unit's membership in fun, engaging ways.
Session 2C: Developing Effective PTA Communications
Are you communicating effectively with your membership? This session is designed for Communications VP/Chairs, Corresponding Secretaries and Digital/Social Media chairs. We'll look at strategies for improving communication across digital and analog spectrums.
Session 2D: Advocating for Every Child
PTA's mission is to advocate for every child. Is your unit speaking for all voices? What is local advocacy and how does it work at the unit and council level? Learn tips and techniques to ensure your PTA is representing your entire school community, from programs to access. Perfect for Legislative Advocacy chairs, but open to anyone looking to open wide the doors of their PTA.